
How to Set Up Your Fitness Goal


Now for those of you who want to get started setting up a goal and going through whichever of the different ways to gain muscle fast whether it be to build muscle with no weights or to build muscle with weights, this article will help you set a goal which is both easy to follow and accurate. The problem with setting the wrong goal is that you will easily get lost with your goal as you may lose track of progress, fail to become specific, and many more.

The SMART acronym can be used for any other kinds of goals but in this case, we would like to apply it to the different ways to gain muscle fast or if we are being specific, we would like to apply it on how you build muscle with no weights.

Here is the SMART abbreviation and what it stands for:


You have to set a goal that is specific, not just a goal like “I want to look nice” or “I want to gain muscle”. Set a goal that is specific like “I want to gain 30 kgs and drop my body fat percentage to 10%” that goal is specific and that way, you know what you are aiming for!


Make sure that your specific goal is measurable. That way you will be able to keep track of your progress not just through how you feel but there is an actual basis of comparison for your measurement. Make sure to constantly measure yourself and this is the exciting part because the more you measure yourself, the more you see yourself grow towards success.


You have to be realistic. You can not just say that you want to grow 100kgs straight up. You have to go through the progress of growing 10kgs, 20kgs, then so on and so forth. If you have never tried working out before, you have to make sure that the goal you set for yourself is attainable.


Make sure that it is realistic. Let’s face the facts, if you are sickly or have some breathing complications, you won’t be able to push yourself too far. Yes, you might slowly be able to go little by little until you are able to reach your goal but make sure that it is not an impossible goal when you start. For example, if you have never really gotten into running before, you can’t just set a goal to go to a marathon. You have to start off with 5km, 10km, and so on and so forth.


Now this is where your routine actually comes in. How much time are you giving yourself to attain your goals? Of course there are some goals that require a longer timeline but you have to be aware of how much time you are actually going to spend or how much time are you actually going to give yourself for you to be able to achieve your goal.

There are many different ways to gain muscle fast and to build muscle without weights is one of them. Never forget to supply your body with the right amount of nutrition for you to be able to make the most out of every workout. If your diet does not supply enough nutrition for you to be able to build muscle without weights, it is very much advised that you take supplements. 10x Gains has a number of supplements you will find both affordable and effective. Check them out today and see what they have in store for you.

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