
Best Yoga Workouts For Back Pain


One of the main purposes of indulging in yoga exercises to help ease issues related to your back is to also make sure that the postures also ease out the stress along with the pain. You see, the right kind of yoga postures could very well help your spine relax and strengthen at the same time. Since yoga is also known to increase awareness of the body, it goes without saying that once you are more aware of your body, you will also be consciously able to reduce and ease out any imbalances as well.

Here are a few yoga exercises that you should add to your workout routine to help ease that back pain.

Downward-Facing Dog

The downward-facing dog might just be one of the most traditional forward bends in yoga. This exercise helps brilliantly in rejuvenating you as a whole and helping your back feel better. Apart from helping in reliving back pain, it also helps with issues like sciatica. As a whole the workout also helps the body strengthens as it helps target the hamstrings, triceps and quadriceps as well.

How to

  • Start by getting down on all fours aligning your arms and knees in such a manner that they are under your shoulders and hips
  • Next, press into your hands while tucking your toes under and lift up your knees while bringing your tailbone towards the ceiling.
  • While keeping your knees a little bent stretch your spine and tailbone.
  • You can also lift your heels slightly off the ground to help stretch further.
  • With the help of your hands, distribute your weight evenly on both sides of your body.
  • Remember to keep your head in line with your upper arms
  • Hold this pose for up to 1 minute.
  • Relax and return to the starting position.

The Sphinx

This yoga workout is one of the many that help in reliving the stress from your back. It also helps in strengthening the spine and the buttocks whilst also stretching out the abdomen, chest and the shoulders as well.

How to:

  • Start by lying on your stomach with your legs stretched out behind you.
  • Proceed by tightening the muscles of your lower back, hips and thighs.
  • Post this; align your elbow with your shoulders with your palms facing down.
  • Now putting pressure on the palms, slowly lift up your head and your chest
  • Whilst putting more pressure on your palms, gently lift and engage your lower abdominals to support your back as much as you can.
  • Look straight when you are in this pose and relax and breathe normally.
  • Come back to the starting position and repeat.

The Bridge

The great thing about the bridge pose is that it helps restore your back to its better self and helps you feel relaxed as well. The pose essentially stretches out the spine effectively helping you relieve back-pain as well as headaches.

How to:

  • Start by lying on your back with your knees bent. Also ensure that your heels are drawn towards your tailbone when you are in this position
  • Let your arms lay at the side of your body during this time.
  • Keeping your feet and arms pressed into the floor lift your tailbone up towards the ceiling.
  • Till the time your thighs do not become parallel with the floor, keep lifting.
  • Try holding this pose for at least 1 minute.
  • Return to the starting position slowly using each of your vertebrae.
  • Rest and repeat

These are some of the best.
